Monday, July 7, 2014

true story

I just caught up with an old friend who I have known not only since my years at American High, but the years some of us attended Lake Stevens Jr. High. She ended up going to another high school that shall remained unnamed. But she said she was always a Patriot at heart. In fact, she told me a story that I believe is true even though I can't recall a single thing about the particulars. Remember those ribbons we used to wear on game days? The ones that came in red, white or blue and said something along the lines of how American High was going to beat this team or that team? I think they cost 25 cents a piece. Well, this dear friend said she asked me to buy a few so she could wear them to school right before American's football team played her team. In fact, she's convinced she's the reason why her school's team beat us badly. According to her, she walked by some coaches and football players during football practice. They saw her American High ribbons. They were not happy. They got so mad, she said, they whupped American. PS It is funny thinking about the many meaning of "patriot" after thirty years. This fall I will learn a lot about American's patriots - 1770s-style - while teaching a course I have never taught before. No matter, Go Patriots!

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